Results and reports

Financial Statements

Results and reports

DateTitleReportPress releasePresentationWebcastTranscript
April 30, 2024Annual Report and Accounts 2023 4868KB - - - -
September 29, 2023Interim Results for the six month period ended 30 June 2023 1556KB - - - -
April 28, 2023Annual Report and Accounts 2022 6715KB - - - -
January 24, 2023Publication of new Italian PNP regulation - - - - -
September 29, 2022Interim Results for the six month period ended 30 June 2022 1105KB - - - -
June 6, 2022Annual Report and Accounts 2021 2403KB - - - -
May 31, 20222021 Annual Financial Report 897KB - - - -
September 30, 2021Interim Results or the 6 months ended 30 June 2021 649KB - - - -
July 14, 2021SYME ProactiveResearch equity report 1084KB - - - -
June 28, 2021Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 1670KB - - - -
January 29, 2021Interim Results for the 6 months to 30 June 2020 374KB - - - -
January 28, 2021Statutory Audited Accounts to 31 December 2019 541KB - - - -
July 1, 2020Interim Financial Statements to 31 March 334KB - - - -
May 27, 2020SYME ProactiveResearch equity report 3484KB - - - -
March 4, 2020Project TAG – Whitewash circular FINAL for posting and display 632KB - - - -
March 4, 2020Prospectus posted 882KB - - - -
December 30, 2019AbalGroup 2019 InterimResults mRZT 638KB - - - -
December 30, 2019AbalGroup 2019 InterimResults Announcement 866KB - - - -
December 2, 2019AbalGroup 032019 FinalResults Announcement 734KB - - - -
December 2, 2019AbalGroup 032019 FinalResults 77jB 2649KB - - - -