Legal notice

Information on the processing of users’ personal data

Supply@ME Capital plc (hereinafter “Supply@Me or “Company”), as owner of the data processing, wishes to inform the users (hereinafter “Users”) of site (hereinafter “Site”) regarding the processing method of the personal data provided to Supply@ME, as set out by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (the “Privacy Code”) and by New European Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data (the “Privacy Regulation”).

1. Owner of the processing

The Owner of the processing is Supply@Me Capital plc, with Registered Offices in Elizabeth House, 6th Floor, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ, can be contacted at the following address:

2. Personal Data collected

Supply@ME processes the data provided by the Users, including the biographical and contact data, as well as the data provided in the case of an information and assistance request, in compliance with this present privacy information.

Health data and, in general, any particular categories of personal data within the meaning of article 9 of the Privacy Regulation shall not be processed. The data of minor children shall be processed according to the method set out in successive paragraph 8.

The data indicated above is processed only as far as necessary to fulfil the purposes described in paragraph 4 of this information.

3. Data processing method and duration of retention

The User’s personal data is processed with the support of computer and/or paper methods, and is protected through adequate security measures designed to guarantee the privacy and security of the personal data. In particular, Supply@ME adopts technical and organisational measures appropriate to protect the personal data in its possession against loss or theft, as well as the use, disclosure or unauthorised modification of the personal data. The data is retained for the time strictly necessary for the execution of the requested activity, and will be cancelled at the termination of such need.

4. Purpose of the processing

The purposes for which the User is asked to provide their personal data to Supply@ME are as follows:

  • to allow the User to utilise the services made available by the Site;

  • to comply with any legal and regulatory obligations (defined below as “Legal Purposes”);

  • to send newsletters through means of distance communications (email), to send news regarding the Company and information regarding the Site. (“Purposes of Supply@ME”)

5. Legal basis for the processing

The provision of the personal data for Contractual Purposes is obligatory, as it is necessary for the purposes of utilising specific services requested by filling in the form.

6. Scope of communication and diffusion of data

Supply@ME, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, may communicate the User data, strictly necessary to each type of processing, to the following categories of subjects:

  • to collaborators, employees, suppliers, to professionals belonging to professional registries and outsourcers of Supply@ME, in the scope of their relative tasks and/or any contractual obligations with them, inherent to the commercial relations with the Users for the scopes contained in this information.

  • to sub-suppliers and/or sub-contractors engaged in activities connected with the execution of the services offered by Supply@ME.

The personal data of the Users shall not be disseminated.

7. The personal data are not transferred abroad

The personal data may be freely transferred outside of the national territory to countries located within the European Union.

8. Users’ Rights

The User may, freely and at any time (a) obtain the confirmation of the existence or lack thereof of data regarding them and to have it communicated to them; (b) know the origin of the data, the purposes and methods of the processing, as well as the logic applied to the processing through electronic methods; (c) ask for the update, correction or – where applicable – the addition of data; (d) obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block of any data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the treatment; (e) oppose, in full or in part, the processing of the data that regards them; (f) revoke consent to the data processing at any time without prejudicing in any way the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal.

In addition to the rights listed above, the User may benefit from the rights referred to by paragraph 10, let. b) present information.

At any time, the User may exercise their rights referred to above, modify the contact method, notify Supply@ME of any updates to their personal data, request the removal of their personal data supplied by third parties, or to obtain further information regarding its use by Supply@ME by contacting the company at:

9. Modifications and updates

The present information is valid from the date indicated in its header. Supply@ME may also make modifications and/or additions to said information, also as a consequence of any successive Regulatory modifications and additions to the Privacy Regulation and the national regulations in question. Notification of the modifications shall take place in advance.